Over half of our world population is under 30 years of age. We are the first generation to experience the effects of climate change. We are also a generation that grows up in a world of increasing inequality, and are not automatically better off than previous generations.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the big plan of the United Nations to make the world a better, fairer and more sustainable place for everyone. In 2030 all goals need to be accomplished. Everyone, all countries – including the Netherlands – and companies need to get to work.
DNYC and its member organisations are working on the SDGs. We involve and activate youngsters on sustainability and equality, and lobby for the inclusion of youth voices in local, national and international decision-making processes.
the yearly dutch sdg report
As young and future generations we have a big stake in all parties taking their responsibilities. Every year the Parliament receives a report that shows how the Netherlands are doing. One of the chapters is on youth and written by DNYC, based on input from youth organisations and youth representatives on Dutch effort on the SDGs.
Want to contribute? You can! Send an email to [email protected]
Here you can find the earlier versions of the report (in Dutch):