Local Collective connects local youth initiatives and -councils from the whole country in one structural network. Young people work together and exchange knowledge and best practices within this network. They also receive and give trainings and workshops. This way they increase and strengthen the impact of young people within their municipality or province. The Local Collective network also connects policy and- decisionmakers with the youth in a sustainable way, through which young people can participate on local level and be included in decision-making processes.
An important aim of this network is to facilitate an easy way to stay in touch and learn from each other. Not only during the events we organize, but throughout the entire year. That is why we have divided The Netherlands in six regions for which we appointed regional coordinators. They function as a linking bridge between what is going on regionally and what is happening on a national level.
For whom?
Local collective is for all the young people that are active within a local youth council or initiative, or would like to become active. These people are motivated to exchange experiences and knowledge, by doing so they are prepared to enhance their own youth council or initiative and that of others. The project is also for young people who would like to start their own youth council or initiative. Also people who play key roles, like youth councilors, professionals and other people who would like to coach or contribute to these initiatives are more than welcome to contact Local Collective.
Local Collective activities
To combine all this knowledge, passion, and experience, NJR organises three Local Collective youth days throughout the year. During these days, youth councils from the entire country come together to exchange knowledge, network, learn from each other and take part in diverse (training)sessions. We also invite guest speakers regularly to come and give a training or talk about an interesting project/opportunity. Besides Local Collective days, other interesting activities are organised on national and regional level for the participants of Local Collective.
Curious about what a Local Collective day looks like? Check this video!
More information about Local Collective?
Do you want to know more about how other youth councils work (together), are you a policymaker and do you want to come into contact with young people, are you curious about youth initiatives in your neighborhood, or are you part of an initiative and do you want to be kept up to date of everything that is being organized within Local Collective? Please contact Floor on [email protected] or through her LinkedIn
Local Collective is (partly) financed by the European Commision of the EU.

Finally, we have asked people from our network to share their best advice around networking and exchange.
- Be present at a lot of activities, let yourself be seen so people can get to know you.
- Take initiative by sending an email to other councils, for instance to ask how they deal with certain problems.
- Stay in contact with the other people, such as councilmembers or other local politicians.